Craft Class 4 Robots

Craft Class 4 Robots

We will work through two creative spaces – fabrication design and visual effects – to leverage multiple human-robot interfaces for programming motion. The workshop encourages rapid iteration and experimentation using parametric and animation toolsets to design both sequential and timebased motion. Through iterative design charrettes, participants will be introduced to motion design for synchronous robotics, motion capture using multiple sensory inputs, and workflows for rapid ideation.

Location: University of Michigan


Familiarity with Rhino 5.0 and Grasshopper required. Familiarity with Maya or similar animation software a plus.

Robotic Specification

– 2x Kuka KR60 Industrial Robots

Workshop Schedule

Part 1 : Introduction to sequential and timebased motion design using Bot & Dolly software
Part 2 : Working with sensor inputs and outputs
Part 3 : Using motion capture data
Part 4 : Tool and process experimentation using synchronous robots

Workshop Presenters

Kendra Byrne – Bot & Dolly

Matthew Bitterman – Bot & Dolly

Jonathan Proto – Bot & Dolly

Brandon Kruysman – Bot & Dolly