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Rob|Arch 2014 Call for Videos

Rob|Arch 2014 and the Association for Robots in Architecture invite research institutions and companies, as well as individual artists, architects, designers, engineers, researchers, and students to submit video presentations of their “robotic” work to the Rob|Arch 2014 conference. The video clips should showcase new developments and innovative projects that are relevant to the conference topic of robotic fabrication in architecture, art, and design.

A jury of experts will choose the best video submissions to be shown at the conference/exhibition to Rob|Arch 2014 attendees, among them CEOs of major robot companies as well as industry partners and internationally recognized researchers, architects, and artists. Furthermore, the video clips will be published on the Rob|Arch conference homepage,, and via social media to a wide internet audience.

The accepted video submissions of the previous Rob|Arch 2012 conference have been viewed over 10.000 times:

For more details and to submit a video, go to

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